kate marshall life is strange

No more! Why would he leave a potential person out there that could reveal him? Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Kate ficou traumatizada aps ir a uma festa do Clube Vortex no dia 4 de outubro[3], onde Nathan Prescott a drogou e prometeu lev-la ao hospital para ela receber ajuda (algo que ele no fez em nenhum momento). Even if they act immature, everybody at Blackwell are seniors, not high school freshmen She gets a lot of shit in fact. 18 It's more unlikely that Kate would use weed and acid (the other drugs under Katie's name in the book), and none of the transactions took place in Blackwell itself where she spends most of her time - Kate can't even say a swear word let alone become involved with Frank. Choosing the right dialogue options to save Kate is essential, and players can have a much easier time if they made some emphatic choices at earlier points in the story. Max tries to use her power to stop her, but after reaching the roof she has a headache which stops her from using her powers, and Kate hears her groan, Kate tries to drive her off as she wants to jump off. Sneaking out to meet Chloe, Max meets a remorseful Dana, and finds out that Victoria and Taylor are still very wrecked after Kate's suicide attempt. Link to Kate Marsh Porn Video? Aparies She has been having trouble coping with the release of a viral video featuring her kissing. Further down the hall, Juliet is watching Kate's video on her phone beside Brooke. She has a black and white pet bunny named Alice in her dorm room. Cor do Cabelo However, it has been confirmed by the developers that the Katie on Frank's list is not Kate Marsh. But note that opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. She will text Max his room number (111) when she visits the boy's dorms later in the episode. She has been having trouble coping with the release of a viral video featuring her kissing strangers at a Vortex Club party and seems emotionally traumatized. She seems to be involved in a lot of religious groups. Se Max se aproximar dela, ela pedir que a deixe sozinha por um tempo para que ela possa refletir; claramente pensando sobre sua reputao aps seu vdeo ter se espalhado. Apesar de serem imaturos, todos na Blacwkell so graduados, e no apenas calouros Ela passa por muita coisa. If Max chooses to find more proof, Kate will be distraught by this. Kate will then tell Max that she feels that she is in a nightmare that she can't wake up from unless she puts herself to sleep and that after she's gone people can post pictures of her body, Max will continue to talk her out of jumping by getting her to forget about the video, but it fails. Defender a Kate do David, encoraj-la em sua deciso inicial de denunciar o ocorrido para a polcia e atender a ligao dela mais cedo contribuem para que ela acredite nas suas intenes, mas ela ainda pode ser salva sem estas decises tomadas se voc fizer as escolhas certas no dilogo. T vendo? Before the release of her viral video, Kate was a happy student at Blackwell with a high GPA of 3.9 and a spotless record. Talking to her, you can encourage her not to share the video any more.In the bathroom, Kate asks Max for her copy of \"The October Country \" back. Around the room are letters, postcards and photographs which relate to Kate's family. I have to make an effort to talk to her more often, maybe invite her to tea or a movie. Na Academia Blackwell, uma Kate perturbada ser vista pedindo ajuda para o Sr. Jefferson, que no atender ao pedido dela. O lado criativo da Kate tambm mostrado atravs de sua paixo por msica; ela toca violino (normalmente todas as manhs) e gosta muito de Mozart.[2]. No carto de "Melhoras" enviado para a Kate, os nomes "River S." e "Rory W." esto assinados. I didn't get the bible quote dialogue but I do think mentioning her sisters near the end of the conversation helps she is close to them and the conversation following it shows she does care about them so I think that is the best answer there plus the photo of her happy with her sisters points to this. At the time that Max told her about Nathan, Jefferson was determined to kill Kate to silence her as Victoria and almost done with Max. Na Sala Escura, o fichrio da Kate um dos trs que ficam visveis no Episdio 4, com os outros dois sendo o fichrio da Rachel Amber e o fichrio vazio da Victoria. There is no doubt that Nathan drugged Kate and kidnapped her to Jefferson subject it to a sick photo essay, however this psychopath has the ritual of murdering his victims after taking the photos of them. Kate needs to be built up is she can be convinced to carry on. This totem is furthermore a symbol of fertility, warmth, sexuality and luck. People with this totem are usually unpredictable, spontaneous, gentle, nurturing, observational, alert, clever, quick-witted, successful and good advisers. Ela to linda, gentil e amigvel. It is unknown if a patch will be released that fixes this issue. Throughout the first two chapters of Life is Strange, the cruelty of the gossip on Max's campus builds as word spreads of Kate's taped exploits, the bullies of the school viciously descending . Sei que est envolvida em vrios grupos religiosos, mas ela no reza para mim e eu no me importo. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Bit of a trigger warning for some of these scenes. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Kate will ask about the events that happened yesterday, then Max will tell her about how she helped her by erasing messages on her board or the video link and about how much of a friend she is to her and that she agrees that she was drugged. Ela revela que no ficou bbada, e aps consumir apenas uma pequena quantidade de vinho, foi aparentemente drogada por Nathan, que no a levou para o hospital como havia prometido. Tulipas amarelas significam pensamentos esperanosos e positivos, e so um presente comum de melhoras. This is because they refuse to truly listen to the students at a time when they want to be taken seriously. Those who want to see Chloe and Max develop feelings for each other should ignore Kate's call instead. Se voc olhar mais de perto os rabiscos no caderno da Kate durante a aula do Jefferson no comeo do episdio, ver que eles indicam pensamentos suicidas e j prenunciam sua eventual tentativa de suicdio. To talk her down, Max needs to encourage Kate to be strong and beat the bullies who spread her viral video around as well as to have paid attention to items in Kate's room while returning the book to Kate and pointing out all those pertinent items that mean a lot to her (Kate's father or sister and her favorite Bible verse). It does not store any personal data. LoL i got everything right on first time :D. OK, here is a video detailing exactly how to save Kate Marsh that I finally finished. She is teased by Taylor Christensen, who throws a paper ball at her and comments about her "porn video". After Kate is saved, she will continue to appear in Max's story during Life is Strange. Kate tells Max that she doesnt remember or care about much of anything from earlier that morning. Fora do quarto da Kate, Max pode apagar a mensagem maldosa escrita na placa dela, "Will bang 4 Jesus" (Vai rebolar pra Jesus, em portugus). Kate runs off crying, missing class. She seems surprised that so many people from Blackwell wrote to her, including Daniel , Mr. Jefferson and even Victoria who wrote her a very sweet note. Max comenta que a Kate est em seu perodo. I only made one mistake and that was to say her mother cared about her, I didn't check her laptop to find out that her mom despises her. O versculo preferido de Kate est destacado em um post-it dentro de sua Bblia; Mateus 11:28 - "Venham a mim, todos os que esto cansados e sobrecarregados, e eu darei descanso a vocs.". She seems surprised that so many people from Blackwell wrote to her, including Daniel DaCosta, Mr. Jefferson and even Victoria who wrote her a very sweet note. [4] Victoria Chase publicou o vdeo na internet e o espalhou para os alunos da Blackwell. No chuveiro, Max presencia Victoria e Taylor mexendo com a Kate, com a primeira escrevendo o link do vdeo viral no espelho antes de ir embora. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Most likely you failed the last chance Bible question. A placa dos quartos dela e de outras garotas no dormitrio foram reescritos por suas respectivas donas em apoio a recuperao de Kate, e a rede social dela est cheia de mensagens de apoio enviadas por vrios alunos da Blackwell, incluindo a Victoria. One failure doesn't result in an automatic death for Kate, but the game is keeping track of too many failures. If you select sisters, Max and Kate will talk about the latter's younger sibling Lynn. Odds are good that, unless players have been following a very specific guide, they can fail to save her through a combination of choices and dialogue options. Enquanto Max procura ferramentas para consertar sua cmera na Garagem do David, ela encontra os arquivos de David. I told her to call the police, answered her call, and erased the link and messages. There is a photograph of the three girls together in Kate's bedroom. No comeo do episdio, Max pode apagar mais uma vez os comentrios maldosos na placa do quarto da Kate. Aps o incidente, ela recorreu a enfermeira da escola que, preocupada com o estado emocional da Kate, pediu que o Diretor Wells ficasse de olho nela. Adicionalmente, Kate poderia ter tido alta do hospital aps um perodo de 48 horas, hora em que sua famlia teria chegado para visit-la (como ela menciona durante a visita de Max). All rights reserved. When Max attempts to ask whether or not she was alright, Kate dismisses her, wanting to be left alone. Pessoas com este esprito animal so normalmente imprevisveis, espontneas, gentis, carinhosas, observadoras, atentas, inteligentes, perspicazes, bem sucedidas e bons conselheiros. After seeing a postcard by Victoria sent offering her help, Max can talk to Kate about Victoria's personality, speculating about either her insecurities or how bitchy she is. Ser que todo o bullying acabou com ela? It's a combination of factors, depending on what you say when shes up there and things you did for her before. Dayeanne Hutton (Ingls) Hana Takeda (Japons), 11 de outubro de 2013(presumido, determinante), Morta pela tempestade (presumido, determinante), Sra. She can be visited in the hospital, and even gets to help Max at a later point in the story. During the beginning of this episode, Max can again remove the mean comments from Kate's bedroom slate. Tenho que me esforar para conversar mais com ela, talvez convid-la para tomar um ch ou assistir a um filme. Independente do desfecho do Episdio 2, Kate no aparece diretamente neste episdio. Additionally, their whiteboards were rewritten with "Rest in Peace" messages of condolences for Kate, and the Blackwell students left remorseful messages on her whiteboard and social media page. No fichrio, voc pode encontrar trs fotografias da Kate dopada, tiradas por Mark Jefferson. Nascimento If she fails, the montage will instead show a memorial at the steps in front of the dorm._________________________________________________________________ Her father Richard Marsh is a preacher in the Church, who she seems to have a good relationship with. Hospital Room - Life Is Strange, Gary jamroz-palma : concept art for the hospital room used for Chloe and Kate . Please be sure to credit me (either this channel or my instagram: @mentallybitter)#LifeIsStrangeScenePack---------What is a scene pack? The following is what Max wrote about Kate in her journal: I don't want to slam everybody. Kate views the spread of the video as a form of punishment, one strong enough to weaken the foundations of her faith. Later, Chloe uses the knowledge that David has been keeping tabs on Kate as threat to expose Davids harassment when discovers Max in the Price Household. I only got the bible quote the first time, but she jumped anyway, the second time I mentioned her mom and that had the same effect, but at the third time I tried I mentioned her dad she came down from the roof and she was safe, not sure if it works always, guess depending on your earlier actions.

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kate marshall life is strange