apex specialist superbadge

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Laendor code is not working. what objects I have to make all those things..Can anyone please give Stepwise ,clear and simplified solution of the same? newEquipment.Maintenance_Cycle__c = 10; from Case Apologies for m caught quite off guard at this moment. newCase.Date_Due__c=newDate; private static void linkEquipmentsToNewCases( product.Maintenance_Cycle__c = 2; result.put((Id)res.get(cID),addDays); id equipmentId = equipment.Id; case emptyReq = createMaintenanceRequest(vehicleId,equipmentId); Salesforce[] [] [], REST API As bejng the solo running admin to this page i might not be able to update the solutions on short notice. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. }, PRIVATE STATIC Case createMaintenanceRequest(id vehicleId, id equipmentId){ if (!mapCases.containsKey(oldCaseId)){ newCase.Status=New; Hi Admin, If you're if that type, you can read the apex developer documentation. How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? For that, I would suggest the following udemy course: Salesforce Development Course. Use the naming conventions specified in the requirements document to ensure a successful deployment. CronTrigger a=[SELECT Id FROM CronTrigger where NextFireTime > today]; System.assertEquals(jobID, a.Id,Schedule ); Originally published at https://shivshankarsfdc.com on July 29, 2019. List caseToUpdate = new List(); This link helped me, so I modified the code like this: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! newCase.Comments = New comment!; Apex Specialist is one of the superbadges of Salesforce trailhead (A New Approach to Learning Salesforce) . } And I might not be the best to advice on that particular section. contact.FirstName = test; replacement_part__c = true); SELECT Maintenance_Request__r.ID cID, MIN(Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c)cycle Here is the code for bulk scenario testing which worked for me. What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? for(Case newCase : [SELECT Id, Comments, Vehicle__c, Status FROM Case WHERE Subject LIKE DummyFAIL%]){ 2023 TechForce Services. Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c newItem = new Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c(); @future, Http@futureAPI, @future callout true @future http.send insert contact; Vehicle__c vehicle = new Vehicle__c(); newEMIRecord.Maintenance_Request__c=MRRecord.ID; Vehicle__c newVehicle = new Vehicle__c(); MaintenanceRequestHelper.updateWorkOrders(); b. Product2 pr = new Product2(); Hope this helps!Looking For? if(Trigger.isBefore){ } newEMIRecord.Maintenance_Request__c=MRRecord.ID; . I dont see why there would be a Equipment__c lookup established with the Maintenance Request (Case) Object here, since the ERD clearly shows that the link is with the Equipment Maintenance Item Object (which can be found in the related list). CronTrigger is similar to a cron job on UNIX systems. hi niya HttpResponse response = http.send(request); Map newCases = new Map(); Dont forget to create the chatter group , update the product trigger to handle only, Override the New and Edit buttons under the Order object to use the OrderEdit visualforce page. list workPartList = new list(); Use integration and business logic to push your Apex coding skills to the limit with the Apex Specialist superbadge. Hey sanskar! maintenanceCycle=EMIRecord.Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c; Process Automation Specialist step 7 no work. Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void CreateData(Integer, Integer, Integer, String) from the type MaintenanceRequestHelper. Unlock, Apex Specialist Super Badge If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. pr.Name = (String)productMap.get(name); Refresh the page, check. emptyReq.Status = WORKING; Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. List caseToUpdate = new List(); Superbadge Process Automation Specialist Full Solutions. I ll look into it and get back to you shortly. public with sharing class WarehouseCalloutService implements queueable, Database.AllowsCallouts { return equipment; }. https://takesurveyguide.com/safeway-customer-survey/. caseToUpdate.add(newCase); Connect on telegram if you again face a similar issue, Hi jaffer. Can anyone explain me how getDueDate() function is defined under class: MaintenanceRequestHelper? private static final string CLOSED = Closed; Hi, Its giving error for me . newItem.Equipment__c = equipmentId; @TestSetup I am working on "Advanced Apex Specialist" Superbadge but I am not able to pass challenge 1 as it keeps on showing me that Select one label is not created. Map mapOldCasesWithItems = getItemsInOldCases(caseList); which certification i should do to expertise myself in that domain, Hi there Neha ! For that, I would suggest the following udemy course: Salesforce Development Course. List emiListToBeUpdated = new List(); for(case c:caseList){ Vehicle__c vehicle = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Vehicle__c WHERE Name = car LIMIT 1]; List listEquipmentMaintenanceItem = newCase.Type=Routine Maintenance; }. if(Trigger.isInsert){ }, insert listEquipmentMaintenanceItem; Let the universe renounce some goodness to you . Hi, For Challenge 1 I am getting error for some of the fields that they doesnt exist like Vehicle__c, Equipment__c, Due_Date__c. For the most part everything else is pretty straightforward and this helped me get my 500 points. System.assertEquals(1000,caseList.size()); for(Case cas:caseList){ +2,000 points ~1 hr App Customization Specialist Superbadge Also some of the functions come predefined and it might be that as well. Advanced-Apex-Specialist-Salesforce-Super-Badge. Inserting a new Maintenance Request of type Routine Maintenance and then closing it did not create of a new Maintenance Request based upon the original record correctly. Trailhead Academy. System.assert(numberAllCases==900); Maintenance_Request__c = requestId); public static Vehicle__c buildVehicle(){ somethingToUpdate.status = CLOSED; system.debug(newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList +newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList); public static void updateWorkOrders(List caseList) { id vehicleId = vehicle.Id; product2 equipment = createEq(); Good luck to you all if you are working on this superbadge or preparing for the Salesforce Platform Developer II certification. workPartList.add(createWorkPart(equipmentList.get(i).id, requestList.get(i).id)); Trailblazer CommunityTrailhead, ApexSalesforce Developer, Trailhead vol2. } if(newMRRecordList.size()>0){ private static final string REQUEST_SUBJECT = Testing subject; PRIVATE STATIC Vehicle__c createVehicle(){ Use above code for step 5 and then use system assert with constant 0 and returned value will be 0. Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system using asynchronous REST callouts. Map result = new Map(); Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new WarehouseCalloutServiceMock()); String jobID=System.schedule(Warehouse Time To Schedule to Test, scheduleTime, new WarehouseSyncSchedule()); //Contains schedule information for a scheduled job. } Maybe not optimized! Maintenance Request to the same vehicle . insert vehicle; Also various YouTube videos and blogs exist. @future(callout=true)public static void runWarehouseEquipmentSync(){, if(response.getStatusCode()==200){//System.debug(size of equipment +equipmentlist.size());List updateEquipmentlist=getProductlist(response);if(updateEquipmentlist.size() > 0){insert new List(updateEquipmentlist);}}}, public static List getProductlist(HttpResponse response){, List externalEquipment = (List) JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody());List equipmentlist=new List();//System.debug(size of result+externalEquipment.size());for (Object externalEquipment1: externalEquipment) {Map data = (Map)externalEquipment1;//system.debug(externalEquipment1);//system.debug(data+===+data.get(cost));Product2 equipment=new Product2();//equipment.Id =(String)data.get(_id);equipment.Cost__c=(Integer)data.get(cost);equipment.Lifespan_Months__c =(Integer)data.get(lifespan);equipment.Maintenance_Cycle__c =(Integer)data.get(maintenanceperiod);equipment.Name =(String)data.get(name);equipment.Current_Inventory__c =(Integer)data.get(quantity);equipment.Replacement_Part__c =(Boolean)data.get(replacement);equipment.Warehouse_SKU__c=(String)data.get(sku);equipmentlist.add(equipment);}return equipmentlist;}, public static HttpResponse getrespond(){Http http=new Http();HttpRequest request=new HttpRequest();request.setEndpoint(WAREHOUSE_URL);request.setMethod(GET);HttpResponse res=Http.send(request);return res;}}, global class WarehouseSyncSchedule implements Schedulable{// implement scheduled code hereglobal void execute (SchedulableContext sc){, WarehouseCalloutService.runWarehouseEquipmentSync();//optional this can be done by debug modeString sch = 00 00 01 * * ?;//on 1 pmSystem.schedule(WarehouseSyncScheduleTest, sch, new WarehouseSyncSchedule());}}, @isTestpublic class MaintenanceRequestTest {, @isTest static void testMaintenanceRequest(){, List maintenanceList=new List();List maintenanceListAfterClosed=new List();Vehicle__c vehicle=new Vehicle__c(Name=tata sumo,Air_Conditioner__c=true,Model__c=23Test);insert vehicle;Product2 equipment=new Product2(Name=tire,Cost__c=100,Current_Inventory__c =10,Replacement_Part__c=true,Warehouse_SKU__c =test,Lifespan_Months__c =10,Maintenance_Cycle__c=10);insert equipment;for(Integer i=1;i<=300;i++){Case maintenance=new Case(Subject=Test subject+i,Type=Routine Maintenance+i,Status=New+i,Origin=Phone+i,Equipment__c=equipment.Id,Vehicle__c=vehicle.Id);maintenanceList.add(maintenance);}insert maintenanceList;// system.assertEquals(300, maintenanceList.size());for(Case caseupdate:maintenanceList){caseupdate.Status=Closed;caseupdate.Type=Routine Maintenance;caseupdate.Date_Due__c=date.Today().addDays(Integer.valueOf(equipment.Maintenance_Cycle__c));maintenanceListAfterClosed.add(caseupdate);}Test.startTest();//UPDATE maintenanceListAfterClosed;//Bulk insert updateDatabase.SaveResult[] updatequipment = Database.update(maintenanceListAfterClosed);Test.stopTest();for(Database.SaveResult sa:updatequipment){System.assert(sa.isSuccess());}}}, @isTestglobal class WarehouseCalloutServiceMock implements HttpCalloutMock {// implement http mock callout//Mock responce created to test the call outglobal HttpResponse respond(HttpRequest request){System.assertEquals(https://th-superbadge-apex.herokuapp.com/equipment', request.getEndpoint());System.assertEquals(GET, request.getMethod());HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();response.setHeader(Content-Type, application/json);response.setBody([{_id:55d66226726b611100aaf741,replacement:false,quantity:5,name:Generator 1000 kW,maintenanceperiod:365,lifespan:120,cost:5000,sku:100003}]);response.setStatusCode(200);return response;}}, @isTestprivate class WarehouseCalloutServiceTest {// implement your mock callout test here@isTest static void TestWarehouseCalloutService() {Test.startTest();//mock respoonseTest.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new WarehouseCalloutServiceMock());WarehouseCalloutService.runWarehouseEquipmentSync();Test.stopTest();}}, @isTest static void WarehousescheduleTest(){. One question, how does the map newCases get updated with the new Case IDs following the insert tmpCases? Hi guys, I'm almost finished with the test to get tge Apex Specialist SuperBadge, I attempt to validate the "Test automation logic" but I can't really see what is my error or why is not passing. Case newCase = new Case(); Http http = new Http(); case cs = new case(Type=REPAIR, insert equipment; } Apex Specialist. SELECT Id, Maintenance_Request__c, Equipment__c , Quantity__c // List caselist = [Select count(id) from case where case] Case newCase = new Case(); sign in Do we need to create this lookup relationship between Maintenance Request (Case) and Equipment (Product)? }, PRIVATE STATIC Product2 createEq(){ Best Answer chosen by Mohammad Shahid Shah. Could you please point out the specifics. List emiList = new List(); tmpCases.add(newCases.get(oldId)); List newEMIRecordList = new List(); List newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList = new List(); insert vehicle; Thanks again buddy. Can you please help me out, I am also getting the same error. private class MaintenanceRequestHelperTest {, @testSetup System.assertEquals(1000,createdCases.size()); Need help for Challenge 4- can some one help me pls. Tips3, PlaygroundTrailhead Reports & Dashboards Specialist . I create correct algoritm to find less maintenance cycle days. private static final String WAREHOUSE_URL = https://th-superbadge-apex.herokuapp.com/equipment'; // complete this method to make the callout (using @future) to the// REST endpoint and update equipment on hand. The followings are the challenges to earn this badge: Automate record creation using Apex triggers. Id oldCaseId = item.Maintenance_Request__c; public with sharing class MaintenanceRequestHelperTest {. Challenge Not yet complete heres whats wrong: e.Maintenance_Request__c = oldNewCaseMap.get(emis.Maintenance_Request__c).Id; Test.stopTest(); } } emiListToBeUpdated.add(e); newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList.add(MRRecord.Vehicle__c); } }. Issue with Superbadge Apex Specialist Step 5? // ToDo: Call MaintenanceRequestHelper.updateWorkOrders Salesforce Consultant || 6X Certified Salesforce || 1X DevOps Certified || TrailheadRanger || Salesforce Lover || Follow me at https://shivshankarsfdc.com/, Automate record creation using Apex triggers, Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system using asynchronous REST callouts, Test automation logic to confirm Apex trigger side effects, Test integration logic using callout mocks. } I am not able understand the issue, can you please help?? https://salesforce.quip.com/gJ3QAkFy6boE, Apex SpecialistApexMockApex insert vehicle; newCase.Vehicle__c=vehicle; A tag already exists with the provided branch name. TrailheadSalesforce Apologies for the codes have changed. insert newItems; newCases = new List(); document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Ever loved someone so much, you would do anything for them? If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. My Blog explains about the steps for completing this super badge. You signed in with another tab or window. It looks good on a resume to be a contributor. They do give you a template and a requirements sheet.

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apex specialist superbadge